DCNH+ Subtypes - The Polarities Defined

Since it’s established that the 8 DCNH+ subtypes determine the direction of an IME (which are themselves only patterns of dealing with information), let us dive into the very polarities/dichotomies that construct the DCNH+ subtypes. And here they’re not a generalised conclusion of the individual, but are relative to the elements. The static core aspects of both the elements and the DCNH+ subtypes should, however, not alter. 

The constructing DCNH+ dichotomies/polarities 
Contact vs Distant
Terminating vs Initiating
Connecting vs Ignorative

The DCNH+ Subtypes
Dominant (D) Subtype – Contact Terminating Connecting
Creative (C) Subtype – Contact Initiating Ignorative
Normalizing (N) Subtype – Distant Terminating Ignorative
Harmonizing (H) Subtype – Distant Initiating Connecting
Adaptive (A) Subtype – Distant Initiating Ignorative
Preserving (P) Subtype – Distant Terminating Connecting
Exploring (E) Subtype – Contact Initiating Connecting
Radical (R) Subtype – Contact Terminating Ignorative


An element that happens to be a contact subtype will primarily look beyond its comfort zone. Its host would always look to use it for something out of the ordinary, be it in a creative or an achievement-oriented way. A contact element would rarely be satisfied with what it has, and would escape its bounds for more. It would challenge the established in all cases, be it something as ordinary as one’s socioeconomical position. 

Alongside Terminating, Contact would seek to achieve things beyond its range with the help of its hosting element. A challenging statement will be made, be it for one’s own success, or for a radical movement. Alongside Initiating, Contact would create and engage with unconventionality. The combination will make a prominently experimental use of its element(s), and its yearning for creativity and/or adventure will always stand out. This combination would always add nuance to its methods, and would follow a creative philosophy.

Alongside Connecting, Contact would go out of its comfort zone only for its host and their tribe (if their tribe is seen as themselves). They would primarily want their achievements or adventures to reward them in some way, by either stimulating them during the process itself (Initiating), or by bringing long-term rewards (Terminating). Alongside Ignorative, Contact would go out of its comfort zone not for the sake of its host, but the sake of a creation or a movement. The hosts would not seek any rewards or stimulation, and would devote themselves to their content itself. Think of a mad scientist who invents with no rest (Initiating), or a radical ideologist who seeks to establish a new order with no personal gains involved (Terminating).

What remains static is the Contact subtypes' drive to use their elements beyond their comfort zone, and to always want more. 


A Distant subtype element on the other end, would be rather minimalistic even if experimental. It would primarily have a comfort zone that it would entrust or have a sandbox in. It would be satisfied with what it has, and in some cases even go to extreme lengths to defend it. Depending on the element, it can be anything from the warmth of one’s blanket, to a timeless ideology. Distant would rarely challenge what it sees as its comfort zone, be it personal or impersonal. 

With Distant and Terminating combined, the element would preserve a comfort zone. It would remove obstacles that threaten it, and the host would castle themselves or the ideas/aspects they devote to. Things will have to be timeless, finalized and secure for this combination. With Distant and Initiating working together, the element would experiment and practice minimalistically. They’ll finalize nothing, and would have no out-of-the-ordinary ambitions, but their host would still be fairly creative without prominently wanting to be. This combination will always have a sandbox approach, be it for the sake of the host’s content or for the host's own stimulation. 

With Distant and Connecting combined, one’s own comfort is valued over anything. The security and the minimalistic stimulations of daily life both serve the individual. An element with this combination would either preserve or enjoy its own comfort zone. With Distant and Ignorative working together, on the other end, the comfort zone separates from the self. One would preserve the integrity of something impersonal (Terminating) or experiment minimalistically for the very sake of it (Initiating). The content is the comfort-zone itself, and is preserved and/or experimented. The host can be someone who preserves the finality or the timelessness of something beyond themselves, or someone whose experimentation and free-flow work is itself the comfort zone. 

The static aspect of Distant, regardless, is of satisfaction with what one has, which may either result in the preserving of it, or experimentation within it.


A Terminating subtype element would conclude and achieve, most importantly. All of the Terminating processes would be for the sake of something rather than for the sake itself. The products of the elements are finalized and entail an achievement. The elements are used proactively and divert towards conventional standards to make a statement. Even the most creative of this combination's products would solve a fairly manifested issue. Regardless of the element, its processes are brought back to reality, and happen for a relatively pragmatic goal, but note that even this very termination can often be the goal. 

Alongside Connecting, a Terminating element would finalize, achieve and preserve for its host. All things would be done for the host's own sake, who would seek long-term rewards and/or security with the help of an element harnessing this combination. With Ignorative, on the other end, Terminating goes to great lengths for things beyond the host. The content is served and preserved much moreso than the individual. All that matters to this combination is the integrity of its content. The host will achieve and secure with little to no personal gains or stimulation involved. 


In contrast, the Initiating subtype element would create something for the very sake of it. And unlike the finalizing Terminating, Initiating elements would prefer incepting things with their processes. The host would also obsess much more with the process or idea of creation than the product that’s created. Making a conventional statement has little to do with an Initiating subtype, as what matter more to it are the nuances that come by with the processes of its element. The working of the element is thoroughly enjoyed and experimented with, rather than serving something pragmatic. For an initiating mind, nothing is by default more or less important, and creations occur for the very sake of it. 

Initiating and Connecting together produce a process-enjoying result. The element's processes are found greatly stimulating by the host, and any form of experimentation is found pleasing. In relation to Si, think of a free-flow dancer who enjoys the sensation thoroughly. Initiating and Ignorative subtype elements are even more for-the-sake since they don’t seek personal stimulation or gains for the host and only serve the creation and the content. The host would create and experiment unconventionally for the sake of nothing personal. The content and the processes are everything personal to such a combination. 


A Connecting subtype element would be used for the momentary or long-term benefits of its host. It would entail stimulation or benefits for the host and their loved ones. Even the riskiest Connecting individual would go to great lengths for the sake of personal entertainment or achievement. It would do much as possible to either survive efficiently, or to enjoy the process of survival. An individual who leads with a Connecting element can at times be remarkably selfish and at times too entertained by the adventures and stimulation to pay attention to others. The concern for self and anything related to it is what remains ultimately common among the hosts of Connecting subtype elements. 


For an Ignorative subtype element, the content of interest or importance is all that matters. The devotion to something beyond oneself results in the neglecting of personal needs, which are secondary to the creation, the movement and the duty anyway. The host would much rather stimulate the goal or the process much moreso than oneself. They would also have very few things going in their personal lives, and mostly deliberately due to the greater focus being the processes themselves. In relation to Fe, the individual would want to read others and their emotional energy for nothing personal, but for the very sake of it. Carriers of radical movements, devoted inventors like Nikola Tesla and religiously dutiful workers, are all ignorative to personal gains in favour of anything they’re devoted to. 


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