NeoSocio - Introduction

NeoSocio is a variation of the typology system Socionics, which multiple theorists have contributed to over the past few decades. The mission of this take on Socionics is to present people with a template to paint their own cognition and personality rather than combining a few defined boxes to arrive at the conclusion. 

The Limiting Factors of Socionics

All Socionists have brought their own unique take to the table, but the system, to this day, remains bugged by the limiting of the vast variety of humans into 16 or more highly-defined boxes. Such results in the picking of a best-fit box, but with additionally added weight like the Reinin dichotomies, as well as the cognitive styles, due to which it's harder for many individuals to relate greatly with any type. 

The additional weight represents a type much more than the type representing a combination of its traits and aspects. As an example; the way Rational vs Irrational or Introverted vs Extraverted are mainly looked at as the consensus of a type rather than a governing factor of the elements that construct the type. The types are also biased towards specific social roles and have rather manifested directions. An example is how Ni is written to be highly concerned about accurately analysing the flow of time. 

Enter DCNH

DCNH (Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, Harmonizing) subtypes, however, separate the pre-defined flow and qualitative preferences from the types and elements, allowing the possibility for any type to exhibit one of these four qualitative approaches. The fact that it provides another template to multiply the underlying idea of a type with, provides more variety to the system. But further weight is added via correlating the DCNH with boosts and weakening of some elements, of which the relativity is rarely touched upon. Even the DCNH subtypes at times sound like an addition of a type and these archetypes rather than a formulization which makes the DCNH relative to the elements' nature.

On Quadras

Quadras have always been an essential aspect of Socionics. Each quadra has represented the consensus of types that value all the same elements. But somehow, the quadras have ended up reflecting outward biases even more so than the types that construct them. One can even argue that the quadras only represent a combination of a few DCNH, which the types of it with a different DCNH could greatly refute. The Beta Quadra's obsession with aristocracy and hierarchies. Such has also created the bias of typing people or characters via quadras. The general image of Beta Quadra would fit a combination of the Dominant and Normalizing subtypes, but examples of it who are Creative or Harmonizing subtype would greatly be without these aspects. 

NeoSocio's Approach

NeoSocio treats the IMEs as relatively biased patterns and methods that have no inherent direction or qualitatively valued ends. The DCNH subtypes work as small, philosophical qualitative energies that direct the elements towards different ends, templates to multiply with the patterns that the IMEs are. The DCNH subtypes' general description may alter depending on the element it multiplies with, and the element's description may alter depending on the DCNH subtype it multiplies with. And since the DCNH subtypes are themselves relative to elements, it is possible for an individual to have multiple DCNH subtypes too. Within a DCNH, no element is boosted, but there exist movements that on a very tiny level happen to mimic aspects of certain elements. Each element comes forth with empty slots for it to multiply with its creative element or its DCNH. 

As for the type quadras, since the types in older iterations of Socionics themselves feature outward biases, the quadras are mostly a manifestation of those biases. In NeoSocio, the collective outward is divided into the elements and the DCNH, of which the multiplication would suggest an external image, as well as qualitative preferences. The quadras as defined in Socionics are just one of the several ways they can be defined depending on the DCNH. Due to this, the quadras in NeoSocio mainly reflect the varying consensuses of the patterns of the IMEs they contain.   

An important role is also played by subtype dimensions. Your subtype can be from 1-3 for either the base or the creative IME, whereas in cases of balance between the two, it'd be 0. They're not an essential rule, and it can be fair enough to conclude what subtype one simply leans toward without being dimension-specific. But more specific differences can be highlighted better with them. The dimensions work as such:
  • 0 - Balanced: In which one either fluctuates equally between the base and creative IMEs or consistently uses them at a nearly equal rate.
  • 1 - Dynamic: In which one mildly prefers the base or the creative IME. The preferred element works as the defining aspect, whereas the supporting element quite actively represents it. 
  • 2 - Stern: In which the preference of the base or creative IME is prominent. The preferred element is evidently active, and the supporting element at times aids its intensity.
  • 3 - Extreme: In which the preferred base or creative IME takes complete control, with only minimal emphasis on the supporting element, which works more so as a compensation for the PoLR element.  

The end goal is to allow manifestations of a type varying enough for there to be no major boxed essence, but for there to be truths that are a multiplication of the fundamental principles that construct even the elements. For the readers to be able to multiply these formulas for as accurate a self-interpretation as possible. 

How NeoSocio Works

It primarily uses the Model A for IMEs, but now the flow and direction of all the contributing elements can be dictated by their DCNH. The main DCNH also depends on the preferred IME (the subtype). In case of a 3-dimensional subtype, a secondary DCNH is necessary only if for the preferred element. In case of both the base and creative elements having the same DCNH, only one DCNH subtype is assigned. 

The end result on average could look something like: ESE-1Fe Hd


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